Do You Feel Overwhelmed By Important Decisions about Work?
Whether you’re returning to work from a career break or wanting to find more rewarding ways to earn your living, not knowing how or where to begin keeps you stuck.
Feeling stuck is a hard place to be.
Over time, inertia drains your energy. Your confidence dwindles. Your motivation wanes. You begin to feel like you’re the only one who is struggling this way.
Feeling daunted doesn’t have to mean staying stuck. So how do you get started?
Start from Where You Are Now
The way forward is neither a “one-size-fits-all” nor a “free-for-all.”
Nobody begins with a work-life transition with a blank slate. You already have valuable experience and skills. Maybe there are gaps to be filled. But clarifying where you are now is the place to start.
You are the expert on your own life. You live with your wants, needs, constraints, and priorities every day. Maybe it’s a challenge to connect them to your professional roles.
But if you take the time — and it doesn’t have to take forever — to consider both what you want and what you bring, you already have your platform for change.
Why You May be Struggling More than You Expected
Much of what’s out there about careers, career change, and work-life transitions hasn’t kept up with the radical changes in work. Information is often still based on outdated linear models. It’s unhelpful. What you read may leave you feeling a failure because it doesn’t gel with your experience.
Simplifying Reduces Overwhelm During Transitions
The good news is that, whatever your situation, you already have relevant knowledge and skills. Some things haven’t changed. Looking for new opportunities involves locating relevant contacts. You may need to hone your connecting skills.
There will be a lot of information to sift through. You may need to develop a strategy to reduce information load. But you’re not starting from scratch.
Communicating effectively is always a crucial part of successful work-life transitions. How you present yourself — whether in conversation or in writing — is the one thing that can control. You are in charge of what you include on your resume or CV, your LinkedIn profile, and in your email and social media communications. You can adapt what has worked in previous work-life transitions to better fit what where you want to go now.
There are many strategies and tools available . But you don’t need to —nor should you — try to use them all. The important questions is “what will work best for you in your current situation?”
Being in Charge Doesn’t Have to Mean You’re On Your Own
It’s not easy to make important decisions about your future in the face of uncertainty. But there’s support available.
I’m Jennifer Bradley and I work with professionals to help them navigate work-life transitions with more ease and less stress.
What I’ve learned — and keep learning in my own life — is that taking action is an antidote to doubt. Even a tiny step can be a turning point.
If you’re ready, here’s one step you can take for free. Fill the form below for this workbook.
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